Desiree Lowe

Mar 21, 20183 min

Why You Should Start A Company Blog

Did you know that an average of 63,000 searches occur every second on Google?! [Source: Omnicore Agency] That adds up to quite a bit of daily searches when you do the math. People are constantly searching for information online, and with search engines driving 93% of all website traffic it's absolutely imperative for businesses that want to succeed to find ways to capitalize on this. Just having a static website isn't enough anymore. A company blog attached to your website will take you much further. Here's why.

If you're not putting out relevant content in relevant places, you don't exist. ~ Gary Vaynerchuk

According to research, enterprise and mid-sized companies rely more on technical SEO and developing content to increase and maintain search presence. Websites with regularly updated content (ie a blog) get 434% more indexed pages by search engines than websites with no updated content. [Source: TechClient]  Why is this important? The more pathways leading back to your website, and the more relevant the content, the greater the chances of increasing website traffic and conversions. In other words, a company blog is essential to increasing website traffic and sales over time.

The number of inbound links for a company can increase by up to 97% if they have a blog. [Source: HubSpot] Why does this matter? Good inbound links not only help to drive more traffic to your website, they also help search engines to see your site as an authority - more likely to be helpful and trustworthy - which can significantly help your search engine rankings and get you even more traffic over time.

81% of internet users see blog posts as trusted sources for information or advice. It's no surprise then that content marketing has been shown to produce conversion rates 6 times higher than traditional marketing [Source: Content Marketing Institute]. And when it comes to content marketing, blogging is the number one tactic (65%), followed by social media (64%) and case studies (64%). [Source: Omnicore]

82% of searchers will use their phone to help them decide on an in-store purchase. [Source: Omnicore] Google describes this as a "want to know" or "want to buy" micro moment. For brands, a blog is an excellent way to help influence purchasing decisions at the point of sale. Creating content that empowers customers to make informed decisions and ease any misgivings they may have towards completing a purchase goes a long way towards not only creating better experiences for customers but increasing sales over time. 

90% of searchers don't already have their minds made up about a brand before conducting a search. [Source: Search Engine Watch] Through blogging you have the opportunity to set your company or brand apart by creating the type of content that meets the needs of your ideal audience. A company blog also gives you the opportunity to provide value beyond products and services. It's a unique way to help, inspire and create a special space for current and potential customers. Depending on your audience and industry you could use your company blog to show how your community uses products to achieve desired results (think for example). You could also use it to educate and reassure e.g. uses their blog to provide helpful advice to new parents on topics ranging from pregnancy to child care. 

The value you create through your company blog has the ability to pay dividends well into the future. Don't you think your company could benefit from capitalizing on thousands of relevant searches happening every second? If so, then now's a great time to get started on your company blog!
